Being Environmentally friendly is not only good for the planet, but is also beneficial for the children who are using it. As the world becomes increasingly concerned with the environmental impact of our actions, our children need to know where they fit in. This up and coming green generation can start incorporating more responsible practices into their daily routines that will foster a lifetime of good earth stewardship and we can start modelling this to our children now.

How green are we?

The Cottage Values Img
The Cottage Values Img
The Cottage Values Img

Our aim at Kids at West End is to help our children become more aware of their environment and guide them to make conscious decisions about their environment from recycling their drink containers, reusing scrap paper to growing their own vegetables and learning how to cook them.

Recycling is also a fun sorting activity where children are using mathematical skills and sensory skills to sort materials based on shape, colour, size, or texture. We use the materials at a later time for another cutting activity or as part of a collage project or some other wonderful creation.

We love to use the reverse garbage materials and ask families to save any paper, bottle tops, plastic bottles, egg cartons etc for us to recycle and use to make our creations. These materials can be placed in our recycle tubs. Thank you for helping us to try and make a difference and make our Children here more aware of the impact they can have on our beautiful planet.

We love being Retro Recyclers here at Kids at West End.